
interface UrlRequest

The details about an URL request.


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interface Id
An identifier of the UrlRequest instance.


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open fun browser(): Optional<Browser>
Returns an Optional that contains the Browser instance initiated this request or an empty Optional if it has not been determined or not available anymore.
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open fun id(): UrlRequest.Id
Returns the identifier of this URL request.
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open fun method(): String
Returns a string that represents the request method name.
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open fun resourceType(): ResourceType
Returns the type of the resource the request is loading.
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open fun sslVersion(): Optional<SslVersion>
Returns an Optional that contains the SSL connection version used to make this request if it is available and the current request represents an HTTPS request, otherwise an empty Optional.
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Returns the total amount of data received from network after SSL decoding and proxy handling.
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open fun totalBytesSent(): Long
Returns the total amount of data sent over the network before SSL encoding and proxy handling.
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open fun url(): String
Returns a string that represents the URL address of this request.